Wisdom Paper

            Many people use wisdom in their everyday life but what exactly is wisdom? Wisdom is using your intelligence along with all your experiences to adapt, shape, and select an environment through both long and short periods of time.
Wisdom is created through intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal means. Intrapersonal means is changing or doing things for your own well being and interest. This includes the idea of enhancing ones popularity, trying to make more money, learning more, and become closer with others; meanwhile, interpersonal is basically the same as intrapersonal except it is focused on others rather then on themselves. Extrapersonal is making something better to help a group or community. This includes helping a school, park, or any other local community spot.
Intelligence and experience is just the start of helping yourself and other people. Through developing these categories values and ideas are instilled on a person through family, friends, education, and community. All of the values help a person know how to handle certain situations through out life and how to adapt to changes in the environment and/or people around them. It is said that people can be intelligent without being wise and people can be wise without being intelligent.
Wisdom is not something you’re born with, it’s something that acquire in your everyday life from a very young age. Everything from your education and community to your family and friends influence you and molds your wisdom. Throughout your life as your experience changes so does your wisdom. It can change from how much to what kind.